As of late, I’ve had some in-depth conversations about writing and all the different ways we approach it. I had the idea to put together some suggestions, or tips.
These are all things that I do when I’m writing, so have a look and let me know what you think!
- Keep your dialogue tags simple. Stick with ‘said’ unless absolutely necessary.
- Try to limit adverbs, but don’t be over the top with it.
- Show, don’t tell, but don’t be over the top with it.
- Set yourself some simple writing targets and stick to them. Use this time to establish what type of writer you are. Do you like to outline and plot point-by-point what you want to write? Do you prefer to sit and just write without a plan?
The more you write, the more you will learn.
- Write what you want to write. If it’s not fun, you’ll stop doing it.
- Look for critique partners, people who you trust. Share your progress with them, and look over each other’s work. Be honest! Don’t say something is brilliant if it isn’t. Give constructive feedback, and take the feedback you’re given on board. There is always room for improvement.
- First drafts are supposed to be messy. Tidy them later.
- Carry a notebook or use a notepad app when you’re out in public. I’ve used the Evernote app for half a decade, and I’ll never stop.
- Write multiple scenes with your characters, even if they’re not doing anything. This helps establish them and builds realistic interactions for your final drafts.
- Read. Research. Repeat.
- Track your words! Use a spreadsheet or write them down on paper, but track how many words you’re doing, and how long it takes.
It’s not a competition, but being able to track how much writing you’ve done in any time-frame is amazing and very useful.
- Keep it simple. Always.
That’s it for now. If you think I’ve missed anything, drop me an email at, or leave a comment!