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Why I Write Erotica

This is Why I Write

I announced on my social media platforms that I was releasing an erotic novel recently.

Writing erotica is a passion of mine that grew from a little fun to fluster women at work, to something I enjoyed crafting. It’s something I’m always striving to improve and I’d like to think I’ve cultivated a reputation for it.

I first started writing ‘Filth’ back in 2010. I was ill, none of my projects were clicking (I was struggling with Target), and I randomly started writing some filth scenes in one of my numerous notepads. I didn’t really know what I was doing, typical of anything back then, and I used characters from my Target universe, basing the scenarios around them. I wrote what I wanted to read, worrying less about content and trying to be as visual as possible, to the point of being completely graphic. The story and character interaction were both minimal. It was pure, filthy smut and I enjoyed being able to let loose. I wrote a few scenes, showed them around, and received a decent reaction. I was still in the early stages of my writing career, and I had a tendency to start multiple projects and finish none of them. I added little bits to the erotica, and it slowly became a staple of my writing.

2012 led to an increase in productivity. I’d noticed Amazon’s KDP program, and I became convinced I was ready to publish (I wasn’t). I started a series I titled the F*ck Book series, and I was determined to finish and publish it. My filth was still raw though. I was reading other people’s, seeing how they structured it, but it just didn’t seem viable. The idea filtered out, for now.

More years rolled by. I almost pulled the trigger on another erotic novel in 2014, but timing was an issue. In 2016, I finally released Target, beginning to put more emphasis on shaping my universe. My filth erotica was passable by now, maybe even good, and I was garnering a positive reaction and lots of feedback. Again — timing. It never seemed right. I stepped up my game, learning to think more about the structure, placement and build-up; three areas I believe separated me from other authors whom I was reading. I experimented with pieces and scenarios, slowly adding to my portfolio of filth, making new friends, holding structural meetings to discuss future projects, and I decided now was the time to finally show people what I had in the chamber.

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